Only The Top 3% of All Roofing Contractors Have Qualified as Master Elite™ Contractors!
G AF is careful in selecting contractors to designate as Master Elite Contractors. They want you to be happy with your GAF roofing materials, and they know that correct installation is the key. Because of GAF’s rigorous standards, only the top 3% of all roofing contractors have qualified as Master Elite™ contractors!Choosing a GAF Master Elite™ contractor is your assurance that you’ll be dealing with a quality, reputable, and dependable professional contractor — not some “fly-by-nighter.”
Duane Mainardi Builders chose GAF roofing products because of their high quality and warranties. Only Master Elite Contractors can offer these extended warranties because GAF has established that these roofing contractors will install their roofing materials in the proper way.
Our certification as a GAF Master Elite™ roofing contractor has direct benefits for you. First, we are able to offer the full line of GAF roofing products – an incredible choice of styles, colors and levels of protection. Second, we can offer you the highest level of GAF warranty protection for your new roof. This warranty not only protects you against poor workmanship during the roof installation process, it also entitles him to an independent GAF inspection once your new roof is completed.
FACT: 93% of property owners would recommend their GAF Master Elite™ Contractor to others!**
**Based on a survey of over 28,000 property owners in the U.S. served by GAF factory-certified contractors.